Wedding Hashtag How To

Wedding Decor
Published October 31st, 2016

Will you be using a wedding hashtag for your Maine wedding? If you don’t have one yet or if you’re not exactly sure why you need one, then keep reading. This post will help you through the process of understanding the value of a wedding hashtag and then how to create one.

A hashtag is a way to categorize images on whichever platform they are posted, be it Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Some of you already know this, but the way a hashtag works is you use the # symbol before the word(s) you’re using to categorize the image. For example, our hashtags are #fpmaine and #frenchspointweddings. When we search Instagram by one of these hashtags, we’ll be able to see all the images posted that were given the hashtag. It can work the same way for your wedding hashtag. If you choose a custom wedding hashtag then you’ll be able to see all the images that were posted of your wedding! And the best part is, you get to see your wedding from the perspective of your guests.

How to Create a Custom Wedding Hashtag

So, how do you go about creating a custom wedding hashtag? There are a few ways to do this.

  1. Use your imagination and come up with something creative and fun.
  2. Ask your friends and family to offer up ideas.
  3. Use a wedding hashtag generator.

The sky is really the limit and you can be as creative as you want. It’s fun to play off of your names or the date or the venue location. Here are some things to think about when creating your wedding hashtag:

  • First names
  • Nick names
  • Last names
  • Wedding date
  • Wedding venue
  • Wedding city
  • Wedding setting (coastal, waterfront, estate, etc.)

Some fun wedding hashtags we’ve seen are:

  • #mathewstakessides (last names are Mathews and Sides)
  • #foreverknissingrichard (last names are Kniss and Richard)
  • #meetthemillersatfp (new last name is Miller and the “fp” is for French’s Point)
  • #stokedtobealopes (new last name is Lopes)
  • #bindthereframethat (last names are Bind and Frame)
  • #whenharrymetcallie (first names are Harry and Callie)

Tell Your Guests to Use Your Hashtag

Once you have your wedding hashtag you have to make sure your guests know what it is. Here are some ideas for how to communicate your hashtag to your guests:

  • Put it discreetly on the invitation
  • Post it prominently on your wedding website
  • Start using it leading up to the wedding
  • Put in on the ceremony program
  • Put it on the welcome board or on other wedding signage

Tell your wedding party to use it and to spread the word about it

We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Post your hashtag in the comments below. And don’t forget to use #fpmaine when posting photos from your French’s Point wedding.

Featured photo by Darling Photography